Grocery inflation

· Tieandjeans:iX

Inflation thoughts inspired by Zvi

I fully admit the rehearsed and self-centered motivations for this connection, but I wonder if there's a difference of how this manifests here in Barcelona based on the length and locality of the product change.

I do all the grocery shopping. Our first flat in Barcelona was an Andrew urban miracle. Inner corner of Londres and Sarria. I thought we lived walkably market close at Well County, but at Londres I had this [img from Londres house sitter map].

There was a moment at the start of Seton where I harped on about using the Polaroid iZone to document the shelf layout of the bottom of campus 7-11 just to raise the EV of the only available commercial walkable outing.

The last decade living abroad has made me weirdly, obsessively Price is Right at times. J & A will gladly describe the overwhelming dread of seeing me cackle into the flat with thermal apper receipts clipped to the to of my ajuma cart.

Maybe it was paying the extra mental attention to think both of price/unit (Thanks Spencer!) and in currency conversion, but I have become deeply weird about markets. I have deeply photographic memory of store layout, and item locations. I talk in terms of shelving schemas and inventory models, which are the relationships I map with "where can we find tampons / Immodium / hair dye / med kits in Incheon/Santander/SiemRiep ?" style questions. That's anecdata, but I submit that I am far upper 5% for range of locations and urgently specific needs. I have popped student blisters in more countries than the median american has visited.