Refining Writing Advice

· Tieandjeans:iX

Practice Teaching with LLMS

Mr.Carle #

Ah! We left this conversation in a discussion of A02. Please produce an eiptome of what section A02 should accomplish, and describe the Solution/Rationale paired sentence model I've made a part of my feedback

ChatGPT #

Section A02 of the IB Computer Science Internal Assessment aims to clearly outline the proposed solutions to the client's needs identified in A01, explaining the rationale behind each solution in a manner that directly ties back to addressing those needs.

The essence of A02 is to demonstrate a thoughtful, problem-solving approach that is both responsive and tailored to the client's requirements, showcasing the student's ability to apply technical knowledge in a practical context.

The Solution/Rationale paired sentence model is a structured approach to writing A02, where each technical or design solution proposed by the student is immediately followed by a rationale sentence.

This model encourages students to not only describe what they plan to do (the solution) but also to explain why they have chosen to do it this way (the rationale), specifically how this choice benefits the client or project. This dual-step explanation ensures clarity in communication, reinforcing the connection between the student's technical decisions and the project's goals.

Epitome of A02 Accomplishments: #

  1. Directly Address Client Needs:
    • Each solution presented in A02 is a direct response to a specific need or problem outlined by the client, ensuring relevance and purpose in the project's design and development phases.
  2. Technical Decisions Justified:
    • The rationale for each solution gives insight into the student's decision-making process, highlighting an understanding of various technologies' strengths and how they serve the project's requirements.
  3. Demonstrates Problem-Solving Skills:
    • By linking solutions to rationales, students showcase their problem-solving skills, not just in choosing appropriate technologies but in applying them effectively to meet real-world needs.
  4. Enhances Project Coherence:
    • This structured approach to explaining solutions and their rationales enhances the overall coherence of the project, making it easier for readers to understand how each component of the project contributes to achieving the client's goals.
  5. Example of Solution/Rationale Paired Sentence:
    • "If my client needs a user-friendly way to input data (solution), I will use WTForms because it simplifies form creation and ensures data validation (rationale), making it easier for my client, who is not tech-savvy, to manage the nurse log."

This model not only aids in the logical structuring of A02 but also in reinforcing the student's analytical thinking and ability to communicate complex ideas succinctly and effectively.

Mr.Carle #

That summary and description is great. Your examples are poor, because you shouldn't start either Solution or Rationale sentence with "If." Actually, your example miss the key concept of Solution/ Rational structure, by being ONE GIANT sentence. It's 6 clauses long. It puts the client's need at the very end.

The solution will capture data on every student nurse visit through a concise and secure webform. This can be built using WTForms, "a forms validation and templating engine" integrated though the flask-wtforms library, which allows me to design the forms as Python classes rather than in HTML and ....

This is where I would end my example, and ask the class to suggest possible "and..." clauses to end the sentence. I would expect

That "and..." clause (which don't have to be and and could be a separate sentence.) is what you use to steer in Solution / Rationale pairs. Sometimes you steer back to the context. Sometimes you steer to another Rationale and goi Solution / Rationale /Rationale / Solution Nurse Forms / soWTF / Which ties to SQLALCHEMY / which supports the nurse data

Demonstrate your understanding of this pattern by creating a single Solution/Rationale pair for a QR code attendance app using flask and webcam image capture and zebra xing

ChatGPT #

For a QR code attendance app, the solution would involve capturing QR codes through a webcam to mark attendance automatically. This can be implemented with Flask to create a web interface and Zebra Crossing (ZXing) for decoding QR codes from webcam images, providing a seamless way for instructors to track attendance without manual input, thereby reducing errors and saving time.

Mr.Carle #

That's not great. Don't explain the concept of a QR reading app TO ME. Tell me a specific detail about why QR Code scanning is the best solution for your cross country coach client, and then choose ONE specific technical choice you made in the design of the solution.

ChatGPT #

The app will use QR code scanning to track attendance at cross country meets, offering a quick and error-free method to record each runner's participation. Utilizing the ZBar library for QR code recognition enables real-time processing of attendance data directly from webcam images, ensuring immediate and accurate attendance records without manual input.

Mr.Carle #

yes! Great! Do another, but for a conference response tool (accepting proposals, coordinating evals and votes, automated/structured email to attendees) Again, one specific detail and ONE related technical choice.

ChatGPT #

For managing conference proposals efficiently, the system will automate the evaluation and voting process, allowing organizers to easily review and decide on submissions. By incorporating Flask-Mail, we can streamline communication with attendees, sending structured emails for proposal acceptance, updates, or feedback, thus enhancing the overall organization and responsiveness of the conference planning process.

Mr.Carle #

That Rationale doesn't describe Flask-Mail enough. YOu said it does email and it's name is Flask-Mail. You need something in there that says why you made THIS choice in this project for this client. There's not a single right answer, but it needs to be SOMETHING.

ChatGPT #

For managing conference proposals efficiently, the system will automate the evaluation and voting process, allowing organizers to easily review and decide on submissions. By incorporating Flask-Mail, which offers easy integration with Flask applications for sending emails, we ensure timely and automated communication with attendees. This choice supports mass email functionalities with customization options for each recipient, perfectly aligning with the need to send personalized feedback and updates to a large number of conference participants efficiently.

Mr.Carle #

OK. But your solution is about automating evaluation and voiting. Neither of those tasks make me thing, oh, a bunch of automated emails! That SOLUTION is trying to describe the entire project in one sentence. Focus in on one specifc moment/need for the client, mailing out the notifications of which proposals were accepted and which were not. Start with a pain point of the manual solution, which is misends and long gaps between the start and end of the list.

ChatGPT #

To address the client's pain point of manually sending notifications about proposal statuses, which often leads to errors and delays, the system will automate this process. Utilizing Flask-Mail enables the application to send bulk personalized emails efficiently, ensuring that each attendee receives a timely update on their proposal's acceptance or rejection, minimizing the risk of miscommunication and significantly speeding up the notification process.

Mr.Carle #

Enh. You're stuck in your boss-language fluff mode. But the structure is good. Nice follow and model ColleagueGPT